With our online seminars or workshops, we offer you specialist knowledge about various topics in the fields of sound and vibration. We present theoretical basics as well as applications and solutions for sound and vibration measurements.

We conduct individual customer training courses both on your premises and in our training rooms in Berlin.

Online Seminars about the Acoustic Camera

The easiest way to learn about microphone arrays, software and Acoustic Camera applications!

gfai tech offers different online trainings for Acoustic Camera and workshops on acoustic topics in English and German (Spanish on demand).

You can register for basic general seminars to get an understanding of the technology behind our products and different applications or dial into one of our "Basics of Acoustics" online seminars - free of charge!

The web seminars will take about one hour. A 45 minutes lecture is followed by a 10 - 15 minutes Q&A session for your questions about the topic.

Benefit from our training sessions flexibly from everywhere. No matter where you are, you can access the online seminar via your computer or smartphone, single or as a team. Have a look at our event plan and click on the desired online seminar for registration.

We also offer advanced trainings for certain applications or software modules upon request - contact us.

Online Seminar Dates by gfai tech

This pages lists the dates of our online seminars.
If no dates are shown, please, feel free to contact us for individual seminars by email at info@gfaitech.de.

You are welcome to subscribe to our newsletter and we will keep you up-to-date with our new topics and dates:
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Training & Workshops

Practice-oriented and further training courses take place at our offices in Berlin or at your site. With 20 years of practical experience in acoustics, we know exactly how to prepare content for target groups and communicate it in an easily understandable way.

Register for the next training course or book workshops tailor-made for your company in individual and group training courses. Depending on the event, we work in small groups at several workstations, or use our conference room for lectures with up to 80 participants. The trainings are held in German or English.

Our 3-days training courses aim at users who want to refresh their knowledge or at new employees of your company who have never worked with the Acoustic Camera before. Our on-site seminars are designed to promote the exchange of experience with other users and impart up-to-date knowledge. We want to show you the best approach and support you in your work with the Acoustic Camera. The contents will not only be taught in theory, but also be tested in practical applications.

Training on Request

1-day training: Acoustic Camera refresher

2-day training: New training theory and practice

Acoustic Camera Training in Berlin

3-day training: All basics and news about the Acoustic Camera in theory and practice + networking.

Date 2022: Upon consultation

Make your employees fit for working with the Acoustic Camera

In our training sessions held in German or English we show you how to localize sound with the Acoustic Camera.

You will learn all basics about hardware:

  • How is the Acoustic Camera structured.
  • Different arrays: Which array suits which typical application.
  • How to use the hardware including setup and installation of the system.

We also teach you the theoretical basics of acoustics:

  • We clarify fundamental questions like: What is sound? How is sound represented?
  • We explain various parameters and their units in technical acoustics.
  • We explain the Delay-And-Sum beamforming algorithm.
  • We explain the different methods: beamforming, holography and intensity.

We explain the structure and functionalities of the software step by step:

  • What are the NoiseImage basics?
  • How do acoustic photo, spectrogram, ordergram and other software modules work?
  • What is the advantage of different advanced algorithms?

We show you different acoustic phenomena and how to solve them with our system:

  • Depth information
  • Pseudo sound sources
  • Obstacles

In the 2-day and 3-day training courses, we convey content in conjunction with practical exercises. We look forward to welcoming you in a workshop!